Hair Oil with Ponakani Keerai | The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Hair

by Mirza Salman
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Hair Oil with Ponakani Keerai The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Hair

If you have been looking for a natural herbal solution to enhance hair health, then the choice is Ponakani Keerai oil. According to Ayurveda and Siddha, this medicinal herb is a storehouse of different benefits bestowed on your hair and scalp. From hair growth promotion to a reduction in hair loss, the presence of Hair Oil with Ponakani Keerai is a game changer.

Let’s explore Ponakani Keerai hair oil in depth, from its origin to its benefits, side effects, and application techniques, which will help you fully realize this herbal elixir.

What is Ponakani Keerai?

Many regional names in different states are also known as Ponakani Keerai. Ponakan in Tamil, Honagone in Kannada, and Ponnaganti in Telugu are medicinal plants from India and Southeast Asia. This plant is multi-talented and very important for both cooking and medical purposes due to its role in detoxifying and as a natural meal.

The following international names know Ponakani Keerai:

  • Dwarf copperleaf
  • Sessile joy weed
  • Brazilian spinach
  • Tangle mat

In hair care, Ponakani Keerai is advocated for refreshing the scalp, strengthening hair follicles, and encouraging healthier hair growth.

Benefits of Hair Oil with Ponakani Keerai

Here are the benefits of Hair Oil with Ponakani Keerai.

Stimulates Hair Growth

Ponakani keerai is useful for providing antioxidants and nutrients to the body, helping to circulate blood in the scalp area. This means hair follicles are supplied with nutrients to enhance the growth of new hair and strengthen existing hair.

Hair Loss Reduction

The antioxidant content in this herb improves oxidative stress, which is the main culprit of hair loss. If you reinforce hair roots with this oil, you will no longer lose hair, as they should not shed before the stipulated time.

Reduces Scalp Conditions

It can be used for scalp irritation, dandruff, and Infections since Ponakani Keerai has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Healthy scalps are the key to good, strong hair.

Shine Recovery of Hair

Environmental conditions and chemicals can steal the shine off your hair. Ponakani Keerai, however, with its nutrient-rich composition, restores one’s natural hair glow.

Delays Greying

It leads to the hashing off hair and early hair greying due to oxidative stress. Ponakani Keerai, having maximum antioxidant properties, retains the natural colour of your face.

Deep Conditions Hair

Ponakani Keerai is a natural deep conditioner that makes hair smoother, more workable, and less frizzy when combined with carrier oils like coconut or sesame oil. This is perfect for dry or unruly hair types.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Though most safe, some may face minor side effects from using the hair oil of Ponakani Keerai. These are:

Minor Side Effects

  • Allergic Reactions: People have sensitive skin. This may cause pain, itching, redness, and irritation.
  • Scalp Dryness: One disadvantage of using it is that its excessive use results in the drying up of the scalp.


  • Patch Test: Before using, put a small quantity behind the ear then wait to see if you get any reactions.
  • Dilute the Oil: Mix the Ponakani Keerai oil with a carrier oil to avoid irritation risks.
  • Moderate Usage: Use it regularly but sparingly to prevent scalp dryness.

If irritations occur, stop using it and see a dermatologist.

How to Use Ponakani Keerai Hair Oil for Best Results

Use the following steps to apply Ponakani Keerai hair oil to achieve maximum results.

  • Warming the Oil: Just a little bit of heat to warm the oil so it can penetrate carefully into the scalp and hair follicles.
  • Gentle massage: Rub in a circular motion with the tips of your fingers when giving the massage to reach out to enhance blood flow and distribution.
  • Leave It On: For maximum conditioning overnight, let it stay on your hair for at least an hour or longer.
  • Wash It Clean: Use a mild sulfate-free shampoo to remove excess oil while leaving the hair’s natural moisture.

DIY Ponakani Keerai Hair Oil: Step-by-Step Guide

Making your own Ponakani Keerai hair oil is easy and ensures a pure, chemical-free product.


  • Fresh Ponakani Keerai leaves
  • Coconut oil (or any carrier oil preferred)
  • Equipment
  • Blender or mortar and pestle
  • Small saucepan
  • Fine-mesh strainer


  • Prepare the Leaves
  • Wash the Ponakani Keerai leaves very well and discard any discolored pieces.

Grind or Simmer

  • Option 1: Grind the leaves into a paste.
  • Option 2: Simmer the leaves in a small quantity of water until tender.

Infuse the Oil

Add the paste or simmered leaves to the carrier oil. Heat on low for about 30 minutes, stirring sometimes.

Strain and Store

Squeeze the solids and oil, which should be placed in a clean, dry bottle in a cool, dark area.

How to Identify Ponakani Keerai

Ponakani Keerai is not so hard to recognize with these unique characteristics:

  • Leaves: Small, ovate, crenate to a small extent only, and on the upper surface markedly palimpsest.
  • Color: Green, with a tinge of red or purple.
  • Growth: Vining, low to the ground, growing this way.

Finding Ponakani Keerai in the US

Although Ponakani Keerai is often not found in local supermarkets, you can find this through:

  1. Indian Grocery Stores: Commonly found in areas with a significant Indian population.
  2. Asian Markets: Look for similar leafy greens if not labeled Ponakani Keerai.
  3. Online Retailers: Use search terms such as “Ponakani Keerai” or “Brazilian spinach.
  4. Grow Your Own: Purchase seeds online and cultivate them locally.

To Sum Up

Hair oil with Ponakani Keerai is a natural powerhouse that offers a range of benefits for hair. This herbal remedy is worth adding to your hair care routine, from promoting growth to developing shine and reducing hair loss. To explore more about skincare solutions, check out our detailed guide on Ceylan Eye Cream Reviews and its effectiveness in tackling dark circles and puffiness.

By now, you should know how to use and prepare Ponakani Keerai hair oil to unlock its full potential for rich, healthy hair.


Q1. Can Ponakani Keerai hair oil be used daily?

Using the oil 2–3 times weekly is best for optimal results.

Q2. How long does homemade Ponakani Keerai hair oil last?

If stored properly, it can be stored for up to 6 months.

Q3. Can Ponakani Keerai prevent dandruff?

Yes, due to its antimicrobial activity to some extent it supports the treatment of scalps having conditions such as dandruff.

Q4. Is Ponakani Keerai safe for colored hair?

Absolutely! It’s natural and won’t strip your hair of its color.

Q5. Where can I buy Ponakani Keerai seeds?

Available online for gardening retailers or specialty stores.

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